Wednesday, October 19, 2011

These past eight years...

In the beginning it was puppy love. As time went by our relationship was tested. We had our moments... these hardships have helped us grow. We've learned to eliminate the idea of divorce at the beginning of our marriage which has been one of the success factors in our relationship. We work through our differences, and difficulties. We love each other for who they are, we love their faults.
We've been through 4 surgeries, 3 dogs, 3 cars, 1 seizure, 2 apartments, 1 house, and a whole LOT of love.

Today I feel so blessed; Tim and I celebrated our 8th year of marriage.

I went to work part of my shift, but upon my arrival at home Tim met me with beautiful roses. I of course had to give him a blunt signal, but that works for us. Not hidden message, just say what you mean.

We went to dinner to our favorite restaurant at the Olive Garden. We enjoyed our food, dessert, and each others company. We finished the evening by coming home and relaxing...

1 comment:

becky rigby said...

8 years? Congrats, that is awesome. You two are a cute couple. Here's to eternity!