Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Friday, December 23rd

It was so much fun watching my nephews Giovanni and Harrison get so lit up looking at the lights, and animals at the Hogle Zoo. It is fascinating to see things thru their eyes. Harrison loved the play ground and didn't want to leave.

Harrison is upset because right before taking his picture
big brother put his hand in front of the camera

Giovanni at the front gate

Harrison is ready to come out of his shell

Harrison got swallowed by the HUGE snack

Such a cute porcupine

At the entry they had ice sculptures, but this was the only one still standing

Harrison finally hatched!

Harrison let the crocodile eat his head, and the Crocodile liked it

Harrison got caught in the spiders web

Harrison riding the spider

Giovanni in the spider web
 The exhibits I loved the most were of the owl, and reindeer...in fact I wanted to pet the reindeer but that is shunned upon.

However I got pics...

This Santa's reindeer Comet...so cute!

An owl, and I must say that owl's are so beautiful

After almost freezing ourselves we all went back to Grandma and Grandpa's for some hot cocoa to warm up. Harrison was such a hoot, because he just kept telling me to take pictures of him.

Harrison put hot pads on his head, why I'm not sure...
Next it was Aunt Geeta's turn for a hot pad hat...

Chilling around enjoying cookies, peanut brittle, and hot cocoa
Here is Aunt Naina making her silly face for Harrison
Dad and son! They are goofy by nature!
I really had a great time at the zoo. My nephews were so excited, and I got to share this memory with them.

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