Wednesday, December 05, 2012

With Grateful Hearts part 2

As to my previous post I said I would take all my thankful notes and make a list. Here are the things that I wrote down in the month of November, but I am keep my list posted on the fridge and adding to it. I need to be thankful all year round not just one month out of the year. Also this is to serve as a reminder that these are ALL blessings from my Heavenly Father.

(In no special order)
  1. My Pregnancy
  2. Electricty
  3. Music
  4. My home
  5. Public transportation
  6. Tim
  7. Roxy & Koda
  8. Tim's ability to work and that he has a great job
  9. Family
  10. A caring and understanding Mom
  11. Art
  12. Talents
  13. Indoor plumbing
  14. The Gospel
  15. My Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
  16. The Atonement
  17. Modern Medicine
  18. Service to others
  19. Vaccum with hard floor attachment (saves me from back pains)
  20. Netflix
  21. Nail Polish
  22. Warm showers
  23. Priesthood blessings
  24. Delicious food
  25. Comfy bed and pillows

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