Saturday, June 04, 2016

Potty training in action June 8th 2016

So we've decided it was time to try this thing called "potty training." We stocked up on soda, and juice. We even bought him a new drinking cup just for the special occasion. Also we got candy to reward him everytime he was dry.
So we started this morning. He put on his undies and in the first 10 minutes he was wet. Just slightly wet, but none the less I told him to pull the undies off and put them in the basket/hamper in the bathroom. Then I instructed him to go get another pair of undies and to put them on.
I know he can pull them up, but he acts as if he can't. So we're working on that.
Another 10 mins,  and he was wet. Again he took the wet undies off, put them into the hamper, and then dry undies on.

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