Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What stands up, must come down

Adventure or more like a mishap. This afternoon after finishing up lunch Officemax pulled up with our delivery. Tim working hard upstairs totally ignoring the situation doors stairs. I yelled out "Officemax is here." I hurried to get the dogs outside when the phone rang. Roxy was being difficult and finally I pushed her out. I ended up missing the call, but I knew it was the delivery person just verifying.
I quickly walked outside to meet with a nice young man with Tim's new office chair. HOORAY!
While I was talking with him, somehow the dogs managed to open the back door and come strolling out the front door. "GREAT, just great!" Thankfully Koda stayed close to the front door, but I had to wrangle up Roxy. I was getting frustrated and worried that Koda would go on the run that I yelled to Tim to come help me, and back outside I went.
I managed to to get Roxy to head towards the house and in the door. I look towards Tim, and he's holding his foot. So I had to ask what was wrong, and he went on the explain that he fell down the stairs.
At this moment I didn't see any wounds, and I was finishing with the delivery man. After all and all I then went onto tending Kohl because now he's cranky and tired and it's nap time, but out the corner of my eye I see blood on Tim's finger. Into further discovery Tim had cut his toe. It's the area right between the toes that's really hard to get to unless you separate the toes with your fingers.
I looked at it, and my first initial reaction was that needs stitches. He wasn't sure, but I suggested that he take a picture and send it to his sister who's a nurse and ask her opinion. I then left it to him, and proceed to putting Kohl down for a nap. He later came in and said that he's going into Instacare. I just asked that he keep me informed while I stayed with the sleeping baby.
So about 2 hours later... He got 3 stitches.
Just a whole lot of fun we're having in Texas. I'm just grateful it wasn't worse like a concussion and broken bones.

1 comment:

Cherish said...

Oh man. Super rough! Days like that are so overwhelming and exhausting! But sounds like you are well on your way to getting settled so yay for that! :)